Phos Media Studios Terms & Conditions

This agreement contains our Studio & Equipment Hire Terms & Conditions. These Terms & Conditions apply to all confirmed bookings and we recommend that you familiarise yourself with them before booking any of our services. Should you have any questions please contact the studio directly.

Privacy Policy

We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.

Studio & Equipment Hire Terms & Conditions

Studio Hire prices are for space rental only complete with the equipment listed under the "kit list" section of each studio details.

If you need additional lighting equipment, assistants, digital workflow operators or any other additional services please contact us in advance to arrange this and ensure availability.

By booking studio and/or equipment hire with us you automatically agree to these terms and conditions.


In these conditions the following expressions have the following meanings:
“Phos Media studios” trading as phos media studios.
“the Customer” any person or firm or company dealing with Phos Media or any servant or employee of such a person firm or company.
“Services” shall include all studio facilities and the services of assistants, technicians, operators and other personnel of Phos Media or of any sub-contractor of the Company.
“Equipment” all studio fixtures and other equipment provided by Phos media or by its nominated sub-contractors.
“Studios” the premises of Phos Media for the time being where the services and equipment are provided.


  1. Phos Media studios will insure the Studios and Equipment against all normal insurable risks but not further or otherwise. The Customer must effect its own insurance cover against consequential loss of profit and other Risks and must effect its own cover against loss, damage or theft of any of its own equipment brought onto the studio. Under no circumstances will Phos media entertain any claims arising out of any failure of the Customer to effect its own insurance cover. The Customer must ensure that their Public Liability insurance is operative for all persons in the studio during the hours of use to cover any accident, injury or death.

  2. These Conditions constitute the entire contract and may not be varied otherwise than in writing signed by a duly authorised signatory on behalf of Phos Media studios.

  3. Full details of the Phos Media studios services and charge rates are set out in the Phos Media studios Hire Price Lists which may be varied by Phos media studios without notice.

  4. Nothing in these Conditions is intended to exclude restrict or modify liability on the part of Phos Media studios resulting from negligence or otherwise unless permitted by Statute.

  5. The Customer is responsible for any breakages, loss or damage occasioned to the Equipment or the Studio caused by or arising from the Customer use thereof or by any servant agent employee or sub-contractor of the Customer.

  6. Any discounts offered on Phos media studios hires are exclusive. They cannot be combined. Except for company wide or pre-agreed discounts, the higher discount will always be applied. In the case of special offers these must be requested at time of booking, and will not automatically be applied.

Studio Hire

  1. The Studio is available for daily use between 9am - 12pm

  2. The Studio may be booked via the contact number or email and the booking should be confirmed with payment within 2 hours.

  3. Studio hire bookings must be paid for in full via bank transfer on receipt of the invoice.

  4. If the Customer wishes to postpone a confirmed booking this must be done at least 3 weeks before the hire period starts or the full studio booking cost will be lost and no refund will be provided.

  5. The customer has the right to request a booking date change with 3 weeks notice only once. If the client requests a booking date change after the first instance then phos media studios reserve the right to cancel the booking with no refund given.

  6. Bookings may only be extended with the prior consent of Phos media studios, and must be booked and paid for via bank transfer at the time of the extension request. Customers must ensure that set up and take down time takes place within the hours booked.

  7. The Customer must observe all regulations governing the use of the Studio and of any Equipment and services whether imposed by Phos Media studios or by any statutory body or Local Authority.

  8. The Studio is available for the exclusive use of the Customer named in the booking and the Customer is not permitted to sub-contract sub-let or otherwise permit any third party to utilise the Studio without the prior written consent of Phos media studios.

  9. Any materials used in connection with sets constructed by the Customer as well as any rubbish shall be removed from the Studio at the end of the hire period at the expense of the Customer otherwise additional charges will apply.

  10. No alterations, decorations or additions to the Studio are permitted without the consent of Phos media studios. At the end of the hire period the Studio must be surrendered in the same condition that it was in at the start of the hire period. Any costs incurred by Phos media studios arising out of any breach of this Condition shall be paid by the Customer.

  11. The Customer must ensure that any persons under the age of 18 have parents’ or guardians’ permission to be at the studio during the period of studio hire.

  12. The Customer/client must be packed down and ready to leave when their studio hire time has finished. We do not allow overtime to pack down any equipment.

  13. The customer must use the padlock provided once leaving the studio

  14. the customer must not take any equipment from the studio with them

  15. Depending on the studio space used noise/music must be kept to a minimum during week day office hours. Evening and weekend bookings we can be more flexible with this.

  16. The customer is expected to arrive at the scheduled appointment start time. For any reason that the client may be late they are expected to notify phos media studios immediately. If the client is more than one hour late of the contracted appointment start time phos media studios reserve the right to cancel the booking with no refund.

Hire of Services and Equipment

  1. All equipment and services are supplied by Phos Media studios entirely at the risk of the Customer. Phos Media studios shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind to material or props or equipment entrusted to it however caused including consequential loss and loss of profit.

  2. The Customer must notify Phos Media studios at the time of supply if the condition of any Equipment is not acceptable.

  3. In no circumstances shall Phos Media studios be liable for any loss or damage, including consequential loss, however caused arising out of the use or the inability to use the Equipment supplied or agreed to be supplied

  4. The Customer may not without the written consent of Phos Media studios:

    1. Remove the equipment from the Studio premises; or

    2. modify or alter or tamper with the Equipment in any way; nor

    3. use the Equipment in a manner not recommended by the Manufacturer; nor

    4. allow or suffer the Equipment to be used by any untrained or unauthorised personnel; nor

    5. part with possession sell pledge encumber or suffer any lien to be created on the Equipment.

  1. Where at the request of the Customer Phos Media studios supplies to the Customer the services of assistants, sub- contractors, freelancers or other persons such persons shall be deemed to be the servant of the Customer and the said services shall be deemed to be rendered by the Customer and Phos Media studios shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind however caused.

  2. Phos Media studios shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising out of any statement advice instruction or any other representation given or made by any servant of Phos Media studios or any other person whose services are supplied to the Customer.

  3. The hire period for services or Equipment cannot be extended otherwise than with the consent of Phos Media studios.

  4. Equipment must be returned promptly at the end of the hire period in good condition (save for fair wear and tear). The Customer shall pay or compensate Phos Media studios for the replacement value of lost or damaged Equipment or in respect of any cancellation or variation of any order or failure to return the Equipment on time.

  5. Equipment and services may be provisionally booked by email/website and the booking should be confirmed within 2 hours.

  6. Bookings may only be extended with the prior consent of Phos Media studios, and must be booked and paid for online at the time of the extension request.

Payment and Additional Charges

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing all transactions will be settled in agreement with Phos Media studios payment terms set out in our terms and conditions before the commencement of the hire period.

  2. The hire charge commences when the Studio and/or Equipment is made available to the Customer whichever is the earlier and terminates when the Studio and/or Equipment is surrendered or returned to Phos Media studios or the agreed hire period ends whichever is later, Phos media studios will charge for additional hire hours at the published hourly rates. Phos media studios reserves the right to make an additional hourly labour charge to cover any costs incurred by Phos media studios as the result of failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions.

  3. Any additional Equipment, services, staff or modifications to the Confirmation of Booking will be billed to and paid for by the Customer.

  4. At the end of the hire period the Customer may be charged at the discretion of Phos Media studios an additional rental where the Studio or any item of Equipment is delivered to or returned to Phos media studios in a bad or damaged condition so as to preclude use or hire of the said Studio or Equipment.

  5. Where Phos Media studios is required to place a security deposit with any third party for the hire of any item of equipment such deposit shall be paid to Phos Media studios by the Customer when the booking is made.

  6. Phos Media studios shall have a general lien on any film, media or other equipment digital or otherwise or property in the possession of Phos Media studios or in the Studio premises for the payment of any monies due to Phos Media studios from the Customer.

Exclusions of Liability 

Phos Media studios shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss damage expense liability or for any consequential loss (including loss of profit) whatsoever or howsoever arising out of or in connection with any of the following:

  1. any damage to or loss of property by the Customer or the Customers servants or agents or any third party.

  2. any breakdown stoppage or failure of the facilities and Equipment provided in the Studio or any other Equipment supplied to the Customer by Phos Media studios.

  3. any death or injury occasioned to any Customer or servant or agent of any Customer occasioned by the use of the Studio or any Equipment unless such death or injury is directly attributable to the negligence of Phos Media studios or the servants or agents of Phos Media studios.

  4. for any fines and/or legal costs incurred by Phos Media studios or the Customer for any activity connected with the hire of the Studio or Equipment.

  5. any failure on the part of Phos Media studios to comply with its obligations to the Customer due to any circumstances beyond the control of Phos Media studios.


The Customer shall at all times keep Phos Media studios indemnified against all actions proceedings costs charges claims expenses and demands whatsoever which may be made or brought against Phos Media studios or the servants or agents of PhosMedia studios by any third party in respect of any alleged injury loss damage or expense arising out of or in connection with the use of the Studio or Equipment or services supplied by Phos Media studios even where such injury loss damage or expense is caused wholly or in part by the negligence or breach of contract of Phos Media studios its directors servants or agents save in respect of any death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Phos Media studios as aforesaid.


Phos Media studios may summarily terminate any hire contract with the Customer upon the happening of any of the following events:

  1. if the Customer shall fail to pay any of the moneys due to Phos Media studios or dishonour any cheque paid to it; or

  2. if the customer has broke the studio rules in previous bookings and phos media deems the booking a security or health and safety risk

  3. if the Customer enters into liquidation (other than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or shall have a Receiver of its assets appointed or being an individual shall be declared bankrupt or having a Receiving order made against them;

  4. if the Customer shall be in breach of any of the terms of these Conditions and any such termination shall be without prejudice to any rights accrued to Phos Media studios against the Customer prior to the date of termination.

    In such an event, phos medias only liability to the Hirer shall be the refund of any deposit made in connection with the cancelled booking.

Applicable Law 

These Conditions shall be read and construed in accordance with the Laws of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Island.

Studio Hire Information


Please bring with you some form of identification I.e Driving licence, Passport so that we can confirm who you are from the booking.  

Pay & Display car parks   

The Arcadian Centre,
Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham
B5 4TD


On street parking on hurst st

Arrival times 

Your studio hire times include setting up and packing down. Please aim to arrive downstairs 5 mins before your hire time begins so you have time to come up to the studio. Please be packed away and ready to leave the studio once your session time is up. We book in multiple clients per day so we cannot allow for extra time for setting up or packing down as we need to get the studio ready for the next client. 

Loading Bay

The jubilee has a loading bay at the back of the building (pictured below) with 2 large goods lifts to transport any equipment you may have. Please call us on arrival and we will come down and meet you at the loading bay. The loading bay can be accessed through skinner lane. Clients are not permitted to park in the landing bay after they have loaded equipment in.


Once entering the Jubilee Centre through the front entrance there is individual buzzers for each unit on your right hand side in the lobby. If you press the 307 buzzer a member of staff will buzz you through the double doors. If you take a left through the double doors you will see the lift or alternatively there is stairs to your right. Head up to the 3rd floor and follow the signs above the doors to Unit 307 and knock on our door. 


As the Jubilee Centre has its shutters down on the weekend please call the number given to you on booking after you have parked and a member of staff will come down to the front entrance and let you in.  

Studio Lighting 

The studio is fully equipped with 3 studio flash heads, 3 continuous light heads and various modifiers that come with your studio hire. A full list of equipment can be found on our studio hire section of our website

On entering the studio we will show you around and turn the equipment on for you and provide the trigger for your camera to connect with the lights. If you have hired the studio then we would expect you to have a basic understanding of studio lighting and how to use the equipment as we cannot stay for the duration of the shoot to give assistance unless specifically agreed upon before the shoot  

Infinity Cove

Please make sure you have shoe covers on before stepping onto the infinity cove. Please only stand on the flat section of the infinity cove and not the curved edges as this will cause the plywood to crack.

Studio Rules

The studio is a space for professionals to work in and should be treated as such. If you’re looking to have a party then this is not the right space to use. 

The studio DOES NOT ALLOW smoking or drinking alcohol in studio whether it is part of a music video or photoshoot, so please do not bring any to the shoot. If you smoke then please smoke away from the building and not on any of the premises inside or outside.

Clients are not permitted to shoot any photos or videos anywhere in the building or on the premises apart from in our studio. 

Fire exits are only to be used in an emergency, if clients are found to be using fire exits to smoke then they will be asked to leave by security and will not be given a refund. 

Clients are not permitted to prop open any doors in the building to gain access or allow any people into the building without prior agreement.

If any of these rules are not followed security will be called and you will be asked to leave the studio.

Please read our studio hire terms and conditions in detail for more information regarding the rules of our studio and the building where we are situated.


We have 3 portable heaters in the studio and are easy to use, a member of staff will show you this when you arrive. If the room is at a sufficient temperature after heating up then we Kindly ask that you turn the heaters off to save unnecessary electricity bills. 


To confirm your studio hire we need the full payment to be made on receipt of the invoice.

Cancellation Policy 

Once the payment has been made this is non refundable. We understand that sometimes things happen and you may need to change a date. We need at least 3 weeks to change a booking date without the need for another payment.

Contact Info 

Sean:      07808182009

If you have any other questions regarding your studio hire then please feel free to use the contact information above. We aim to provide a quality studio hire experience for our clients.

Feel free to follow us on social media for upcoming deals and events. We look forward to seeing you in studio soon. 

Kind Regards 

Phos Media